Purpose of Church membership:
Our Church is a legal corporation of the State of Vermont. Our constitution and by-laws provide for individuals to become members of this corporation, and thus assist in making decisions regarding its operation.
Membership offers a way for those individuals to identify themselves with the beliefs and practices of the Church.
Members agree to be accountable to the church body in matters of lifestyle and doctrine.
The Pastor and Elders encourage anyone who has attended GMGC for six months or more to become a member and in so doing begin participating in the decision making of the Church.
What does it mean to be a member?
Membership is both a privilege and a responsibility. First, it means you have publicly identified yourself with Jesus Christ and this church. Second, it means that you have the privilege and responsibility to help direct the course of this church, through participation in the life of the church; occasionally this will mean expressing what you think God's direction is for the church on particular matters — by casting your vote at a congregational meeting. Finally, it means you have pledged to assume the duties of church membership.
What are the duties of a member?
Our by-laws state that member’s duties are four-fold:
To stay faithful spiritually (to have a continual developing relationship with Jesus - At a minimum, this ought to include a regular habit of bible reading and prayer.
To attend the public services of the church regularly
To give regularly for the church’s support and its missions (we believe tithing is a scriptural responsibility, but leave that decision between each individual and the Lord)
To share in the organized work of the church as able and gifted (The apostle Paul likens the church to a body, which has many parts, each with different gifts, functions, and abilities - gifts and abilities given by God for the common good – in other words we all complement one another.)
What is the process for becoming a member?
Each prospective member shall meet with the pastor and at least one elder and go through this membership packet. Upon satisfactory completion of this process the person shall be presented to the elders for approval and then to the church at a Sunday service and welcomed into membership.
What is the church’s official definition of membership?
The pre-ample to our constitution, our constitution, and our by-laws contain the following:
For the purpose of uniting born-again believers into a church body with the ultimate aim to build Christian character, and to prepare, instruct and cultivate in them a love and responsibility for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, we do submit ourselves to be governed by the following constitution. We agree further that in the pursuit of these purposes, we will endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Membership is required for the following ministry positions:
Pastor, Elder, Deacon, and any other officers
All Ministry Heads – e.g. Christian Education, Children/Youth Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Small Groups etc.
Music Ministry Leaders
Musicians and singers ( membership may be pending)
Any others as determined by the Pastor and Elders